Results from the JL vs Lincoln on 3/15/23

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Boys Individual Results

Athlete Gr Event Div Result
Last Year Result
Previous Result
Last SR
Last PR
Malik Martinez Jr 100m V 12.36 15.39
Flying like a Comet (LR, PR)
Jose Gomez Jr 100m V 12.89 12.10 12.41 12.10
Eric Chavez Sr 100m V 14.22 14.02 13.98
Jonathan Kammerer So 200m V 24.69 25.46
Flying like a Comet (LR, PR)
Jose Gomez Jr 200m V 25.14 25.21
25.00 24.41 Flying like a Comet (LY)
Malik Martinez Jr 200m V 25.23 26.57
Flying like a Comet (LR, PR)
Eric Chavez Sr 200m V 28.11 28.94
Flying like a Comet (LR, PR)
Tyler Cammarata Jr 200m V 28.57 30.13
Flying like a Comet (LY, LR, PR)
Jose Gomez Jr 400m V 58.60 56.05 56.05
Eric Chavez Sr 400m V 1:03.64
Jonathan Kammerer So 800m V 2:18.26 2:18.88
2:05.36 2:05.36 2:05.36 Flying like a Comet (LY)
Omar Sanchez Sr 800m V 2:22.84 2:30.10
Flying like a Comet (LY, LR, PR)
Alfredo Munoz So 800m V 2:30.18 2:25.80 2:25.80 2:25.80
Kevin Baguinon So 800m F/S 2:41.85
Anucha Phasook So 800m F/S 2:43.95
Sebastian Hernandez So 800m F/S 2:44.55
Daniel Huang So 800m F/S 2:58.69
Dennis Nguyen So 800m F/S 3:06.32
Juan Escoto Fr 800m F/S 3:07.88
Jonathan Kammerer So 1600m V 5:00.72 5:19.59
4:42.36 4:42.36 4:42.36 Flying like a Comet (LY)
Alexander Herrera So 1600m V 5:00.92 5:15.00
4:54.19 4:47.94 4:47.94 Flying like a Comet (LY)
Omar Sanchez Sr 1600m V 5:13.64 5:23.00
5:05.01 5:05.01 Flying like a Comet (LY)
Alfredo Munoz So 1600m V 5:26.07 5:28.19
Flying like a Comet (LR, SR, PR)
Kevin Baguinon So 1600m F/S 5:40.82 5:42.25
Flying like a Comet (LR, SR, PR)
Sebastian Hernandez So 1600m F/S 5:58.96
Anucha Phasook So 1600m F/S 6:12.32
Daniel Huang So 1600m F/S 6:26.31
Dennis Nguyen So 1600m F/S 6:49.13
Juan Escoto Fr 1600m F/S 6:53.84
Alexander Herrera So 3200m V 10:49.08 11:35.10
10:31.14 10:31.14 10:31.14 Flying like a Comet (LY)
Alfredo Munoz So 3200m V 12:38.83 13:33.25
Flying like a Comet (LR, PR)
Kevin Baguinon So 3200m F/S 13:28.30
Anucha Phasook So 3200m F/S 14:48.52
Sebastian Hernandez So 3200m F/S 15:21.00
Daniel Huang So 3200m F/S 15:21.00
Juan Escoto Fr 3200m F/S 16:11.37
Dennis Nguyen So 3200m F/S 16:15.00
Tyler Cammarata Jr 110m Hurdles - 39" V 19.52 23.58
Flying like a Comet (LY, LR, PR)
Daniel Torres Sr 110m Hurdles - 39" V 21.67 26.77
20.82 20.22 Flying like a Comet (LY)
Daniel Torres Sr 300m Hurdles - 36" V 49.92 53.85
47.56 46.51 Flying like a Comet (LY)
Tyler Cammarata Jr 300m Hurdles - 36" V 52.49 59.68
Flying like a Comet (LY, LR, PR)
Giovanni Gonzalez Jr Shot Put - 12lb V 31'9.5 28'6
Flying like a Comet (LR, PR)
Francisco Plans Jr Shot Put - 12lb V 36'3 23'10
Flying like a Comet (LY, LR, PR)
Giovanni Gonzalez Jr Discus - 1.6kg V 78'2.5 65'7
Flying like a Comet (LR, PR)
Francisco Plans Jr Discus - 1.6kg V 89'0 57'3
Flying like a Comet (LY, LR, PR)
Daniel Torres Sr Long Jump V 15'6 14'8
Flying like a Comet (LY, LR, PR)
Andrew Singharath Sr Triple Jump V 32'2 31'9
34'3.5 Flying like a Comet (LR)

Boys Relay Results

The comparison columns (i.e. PR, SR, etc) are evaluated against previous results of the same DIVISION.

Event Division Athletes Result
Last Year Result
Previous Result
Last SR
Last PR
4x100m V Daniel Torres, Jose Gomez, Malik Martinez, Andrew Singharath 48.64 49.27
46.77 43.01 Flying like a Comet (LY)
4x400m V Malik Martinez, Jose Gomez, Jonathan Kammerer, Alexander Herrera 3:54.32 4:16.73
3:50.55 3:21.92 Flying like a Comet (LY)

Girls Individual Results

Athlete Gr Event Div Result
Last Year Result
Previous Result
Last SR
Last PR
Deanna Luna Sr 100m V 14.71
Yesenia Carrasco Sr 100m V 15.93
Josefine Nyquist So 100m V 15.94
Anaya Nyquist Jr 100m V 16.54
Jade Gomez So 100m V 17.30
Deanna Luna Sr 200m V 30.11
Josefine Nyquist So 200m V 31.44
Yesenia Carrasco Sr 200m V 33.13
Anaya Nyquist Jr 200m V 33.62
Jade Gomez So 200m V 36.57
Vivianna Bravo Jr 800m V 2:39.90 3:02.38
Flying like a Comet (LY, LR, PR)
Jazmine Flores Fr 800m V 3:04.95
Vivianna Bravo Jr 1600m V 6:13.21 6:57.01
Flying like a Comet (LY, LR, PR)
Jazmine Flores Fr 1600m V 6:48.31
Vivianna Bravo Jr 3200m V 14:29.21 16:17.28
Flying like a Comet (LY, LR, PR)
Jazmine Flores Fr 3200m V 16:11.18

All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading. Improvement columns sort by event, then percent improvement.
A "c" following a result means it has been converted from hand-timed by rounding up the measured time to the nearest tenth, then adding 0.24 seconds.
A "w" following the the result means it is wind-aided.