Results from the Post XC TT on 11/1/23

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Boys Individual Results

Athlete Gr Event Div Result
Last Year Result
Previous Result
Last SR
Last PR
Kevin Baguinon Jr 1600m V 5:12.09 5:21.00
Flying like a Comet (LR, PR)
Sebastian Hernandez Jr 1600m V 5:14.33 5:35.98
Flying like a Comet (LR, PR)
Hansel Lopez Fr 1600m F/S 5:35.31
Raymundo Aragon Jr 1600m V 5:37.66
Adam Rios Sr 1600m V 5:41.23 5:10.61 5:10.61
Anucha Phasook Jr 1600m V 5:48.51 5:57.24
Flying like a Comet (LR, PR)
Alfredo Soreque Jr 1600m V 5:48.98
Alberto Flores Sr 1600m V 5:50.23
Daniel Huang Jr 1600m V 5:59.97 5:59.61 5:59.61
Anthony Chavez Fr 1600m F/S 6:07.42
Jesurun Aragon Fr 1600m F/S 6:26.94
Dennis Nguyen Jr 1600m JV 6:40.51 6:40.30 6:40.30
Ruben Lopez Jr 1600m JV 7:51.39

Girls Individual Results

Athlete Gr Event Div Result
Last Year Result
Previous Result
Last SR
Last PR
Vivianna Bravo Sr 1600m V 5:54.63 6:05.28
Flying like a Comet (LR, PR)
Evalyn Rodriguez So 1600m F/S 7:27.00
Jade Gomez Jr 1600m V 7:55.70
Delylah Guerrero So 1600m F/S 8:29.29

All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading. Improvement columns sort by event, then percent improvement.
A "c" following a result means it has been converted from hand-timed by rounding up the measured time to the nearest tenth, then adding 0.24 seconds.
A "w" following the the result means it is wind-aided.