XCStats Cross Country

XCStats Cross Country includes the features you need to motivate your team, painlessly provide complete individual and team statistics and communicate with your team community all while saving you time! Read and view the features of XCStats Cross Country then check out our special offer for new subscribers.

10 Reasons to Use XCStats for Cross Country

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Only True XC Database

Our PR's and improvement calculations are based on the actual course, not just distance like track-based systems. We also keep historical top-7 team times. We're the only application in the market that does this, so if you want accurate cross country stats, we're it!.


We Load the Results

The challenge with any database is loading the data. Guess what? You don't do it. We do. You just enter your schedule and we do the rest!


Improvement-Based Stats

Every coach wants to measure their athletes by their improvements. The problem is that it's difficult in cross country so coaches often miss the opportunity to reward their kids. You'll never miss recognizing an improvement with XCStats.


Amazing Reports and Charts

XCStats includes 25 reports and charts! All cross country team and individual statistics are included, both all-time and individual meets. Get comparison charts, rank athletes and measure improvements. And TONS more!


Training Logs

Athletes can enter their workout info from their phone or computer so coaches can monitor their training and provide feedback. Coaches can easily review whether athletes are entering their logs and send reminders if they're not.


Goal Setting

We remove the "paperwork" so coaches can increase performance without increasing work. Athletes enter their goals, and pre and post meet notes, for the coach to review and comment. The meet report highlights achievement towards their goals.


Email & Txt Messaging

XCStats includes a complete email and text messaging system which collects athlete and parent email addresses and provides convenient tools to send messages via email or text. Create custom groups for easy audience selection. No need to maintain your own list!


Take Attendance

Use XCStats to manage student attendance in your sport. Take attendance directly on your mobile device, then export the results for the school administrators. Athletes and parents can create and submit absence requests to you.


Mobile App for Athletes

Athletes can perform all their functions via our iPhone/Android App. They can enter their training logs, set goals, create absence requests, upload photos, send emails to coaches and manage their accout all from their phone. It's fun and convenient to use.


XCStats As Your Website

XCStats can be your complete web site, allowing you to publish pages from Google Docs, MS SkyDrive, YouTube & photo galleries. You can add sign-up sheets for volunteers & calendar views of workouts.


See More!

Watch our walk-through video for a more detailed look at the application!


Video Walk-Through

Full List of Features

All that's included, with links to examples where possible (some reports are only available to subscribers).


  1. XCStats Cross Country Home Page - Season-by-season event listings with improvement summary stats. Example
  2. Individual Race Results and Statistics - Example
  3. Team Race Results and Statistics - Example
  4. All Runners Race Results - Full individual race results with XCStats team highlighted. Example
  5. All Teams Race Results - Full team race results with XCStats team highlighted. Example
  6. Season Summary Report - Every runner and every race with complete statistics on one page. Example
  7. Improvements/Goal Accomplishment Summary - Shows event-by-event and cumulative improvements and goal accomplishment statistics. Example
  8. Athlete Career Page - All cross country career statistics, season summaries, improvements, chart.Example
  9. Athlete Single-Course Career - A chart and report of a runners career on a single course. Example
  10. Training Log Review, Report and Charting - Review athlete training logs all one one page, create weekly and daily charts, export workouts to excel.
  11. Resting Heart Rate (RHR) Report and Charting - Review RHR data, chart it, be alerted to sudden increases.
  12. All-time Top Runners - All runners ranked by average career pace. Example
  13. Follow Selected Athletes - For subscribing coaches, athletes and parents only - pick any athlete from our massive database and follow them all season.
  14. Compare Careers Chart - Overlay the careers of selected runners on a chart. To see example go to above report and select runners.
  15. Individual All-Time Course Records - Includes records by grade and can show only current runners if desired. Example
  16. Compare Career Course History - Overlay the careers of selected runners on a given course. For an example, go to above report and select runners for chart.
  17. Team All-Time Course Records - All team perforances on a given course. Example
  18. Team Trends - Historical trend analysis for team size, speed and improvement accomplishment. Example
  19. Search Individual California XC Results - Search our massive database of nearly 1,000,000 individual results. Also available with the XCStats Guest Pass.
  20. Search Team California XC Results - Search our database of over 100,000 team results. Also available with the XCStats Guest Pass.
  21. Pop-Up PR Report - Instantly see PR's from any meet. Click on the PR number from any meet.
  22. Race Preparation Report - For subscribing coaches only, a history of all current runners on an upcoming course.
  23. Training Logs Analyzer - For subscribing coaches and runners, a report and chart to evaluate training log data and compare between runners.
  24. Top 10 Training Workout Report - Encourage competition amongst your athletes by tracking the best times for your workouts.
  25. Task Accomplishment Report - For coaches, view the status of task accomplishments (i.e. turn in money, uniforms, forms, etc)
  26. Attendance Reports - For coaches, we have attendance-related reports for summary, daily details and planned absences
  27. Another Improvement Report - For coaches only, this one shows season-over-season and course-over-course improvements. Good for the end of season banquet!
  28. Runners who ROCK! - List of runners from subscribing schools with recent improvements. Example
  29. Teams that ROCK! - List of subscribing teams and their improvement percentages. Example
  30. Four-Year Runners - Recognizing those runners who have run cross country all four years. Example
  31. Course Performance Population Distribution - Check out your performance percentile compared to thousands of other runners. Also available to the public. Report

Tools & Interactive Features

  1. Goal Setting System - Runners examine past results on upcoming courses to set goals and enter pre- and post-race comments. Can also enter season goals. Coaches review goals, send emails to runners to comment on their goal and perform what-if analysis.
  2. Training Log System - A complete system for capturing and analyzing training information.
  3. Resting Heart Rate (RHR) Monitoring - Monitor and chart RHR data provided by athletes. Be alerted to sudden increases.
  4. Mobile Apps - Specially designed goal setting and training logs forms and pages designed to make utilizing these features fun, easy and convenient.
  5. Email and Text Messaging - XCStats collects runners and parents email addresses and cell numbers during the registration process. Then coaches can send bulk emails and texts to runners and parents directly from XCStats.
  6. Post-Race Emails - With a few clicks after a race, coaches can send personalized congratulatory emails to their runners, with a copy to his/her parents.
  7. Text Messaging - When email is just not fast enough! Send bulk text messages to parents and runners directly from an XCStats web page. No need to collect or type in phone numbers - XCStats handles that during the registration process.
  8. Communications Preferences - Parents and athletes can specify their desired method of electronic communication from the coach, text messages or email. In the team discussion forum, they can choose to automatically receive all, some or no postings. For instant notification of race results, runners and parents can subscribe to receive alerts.
  9. Team and Task Management System - A comprehensive system which allows coaches to define team administrative tasks, such as the return of forms or money, and then track the runner's completion of those tasks. Other tasks include goal setting and entering training log data.
  10. Publish Web Pages - Use XCStats as you team web site! Publish any web page to your schools' INTERACTIVE page. This can include any Google Docs or Microsoft SkyDrive page, a YouTube video, photo galleries and more. Pages are automatically archived when they are out of date. See an example on this page.
  11. Attendance Management System - Coaches can take attendance on their mobile device, then create summary and daily reports for the administration office. Combined with the email system, a coach can send emails to athletes and parents if they exceed team limits for unexcused absences. Also includes planned absence notifications from parents and athletes.
  12. Follow Any Athlete - Select a group of athletes to follow this season. Use this interactive tool to search for athletes and then save your searches so you can compare athletes to one another. Isolate their performances on similar courses.
  13. Upload Files and Forms - for easy access by your team.
  14. Course Time Converter - Convert times from one course to another. Report.
  15. Runner Name Spelling-fix Tool - For coaches to clean up inconsistent names.
  16. Parents and Runner Email Form - Parents and runners can send emails to the coach directly from XCStats.

Even More information on XCStats Cross Country

Benefits of XCStats Cross Country

Learn why XCStats has been adopted by over 100 high schools. Click on the additional section headings below to explore the benefits of using XCStats for cross country! Then check out our pricing page for special promotions.

Complete Cross Country Statistics!

With XCStats Cross Country, you get 25 reports and graphs! The individual reports include 9 different peformance metrics, the most important being those related to improvement.

XCStats calculates true PR's and improvements for every course, unlike track-based databases which only consider distance. And, since cross country is a team sport, all team statistics are computed for both all-time and individual meets.

Statistics That Motivate

Our statistics highlight improvement over speed so that every runner on the team can succeed, not just those who count in the scoring. Team and individual improvements are calculated in many ways: by comparing the performance against their personal record, against their last race on that course and against their time from a year ago, if available. And every runner participates on a team since the statistics are computed for all groups of 5, not just the first 5.

Recognizing runners for their accomplishments creates an attitude of success which motivates future training and commitment. Our statistics show that, on average, about 70% of your runners will improve every race. If, as a coach, you're not recognizing those runners, then you're missing an opportunity to motivate your team and build spirit. With XCStats Cross Country, you'll never miss an improvement, either team or individual.

Communication Tools

Communication is the backbone for an organizations' success and a high school cross country team is no exception. With large team sizes, reduced school funding and busy coaching staffs' easy, rapid and effective communication is essential. To meet this need, XCStats Cross Country includes a complete email system, text messaging, a team-only discussion forum for two-way communications, file upload for document distribution and unlimited web page publishing. XCStats can be your team web site!

XCStats makes sending emails and text messages easy. The system collects parent and runner email addresses and cell phone numbers during registration so coaches don't need to transcribe (and mis-type) addresses. Email and text messages are sent one-at-a-time so addresses are not distributed without permission. And parents and runners can even send emails to the coach from XCStats.

Coaches can publish any web page to their XCStats site enabling XCStats to be their full web site. Pages can be published from Google Docs, Microsoft SkyDrive, YouTube, photo galleries and more. Pages are automatically archived with they are out of date.

Proven Coaching Tools

Research shows that the fastest, most effective way to improve performance is to set a goal, yet very few coaches have implemented a goal setting procedure broadly and consistently. Why? Because with large team sizes and many events, it's a paperwork nightmare! XCStats Cross Country includes a goal-setting system so runners can set goals, and coaches can review them, in seconds. And with a few mouse clicks, coaches can send an email to runners (and optionally with a copy to the parents) to those who haven't yet set their goal.

Many coaches like to monitor the training of their top runners, whether a summer running program or mid-season workouts. XCStats includes a training logs recording and charting tool so runners can easily enter their workouts, coaches can review them and both can chart their cumulative or weekly mileage. It even includes a year-over-year option so runners and coaches can compare their training against previous seasons.

Save Time!

A recent survey revealed that coaches spend less than half their available time actually coaching! Most of the time is spent entering data or calculating statistics, communicating with parents and runners or managing the team. XCStats puts a major dent in the time required for those tasks! Time spent on collecting, entering and computing statistics becomes virtually zero; the built-in email system and web site greatly streamlines communication and the coaching tools allow you to implement performance-improving processes without consuming much time.

XCStats also includes Team Management features where coaches can assign, monitor and communicate information about athlete tasks, such as paying fees, returning forms or checking in/out uniforms. A coach can quickly determine who has not completed the task and send a reminder to the entire group with a few mouse clicks, including to the parents of deliquent athletes.

Take attendance with XCStats! Use your mobile device to quickly and easily record attendance and absences, create summary reports and send email notices to kids and parents. No more taking attendance on paper!

Special Pricing for New Subscribers!

As a new subscriber, you can try XCStats Cross Country all season long for nearly nothing! You'll get full functionality: 25 reports and charts, complete individual and team statistics, the email system, goal setting, training logs, web site, discussion forum and team management tools - the WORKS! Plus, we even load your previous seasons data!

Go to our interest form to check out the special pricing for new subscribers.